Home » Cleaning Tips & Rearranging The Kitchen

Cleaning Tips & Rearranging The Kitchen

I love a clean and shiny kitchen.  I want everything to sparkle and shine and I have a few tips to show you so yours can shine too.  I clean the kitchen everyday, then once a week I clean all the appliances really well inside and out.  That keeps things up pretty well, but once a month I really do some deep cleaning and polishing.  That’s how I get the sparkle.

A sink full of hot grease cutting soapy water, a big sponge and some soft clothes and I am ready to go.  I give all the cabinets a wash down top and bottom and dry them with a soft cloth to a nice sheen again.  It really only takes a few minutes and you would be surprised at how much grease is actually on the surface of them. 

 Then it is time to tackle the counters.  My back counters are leather texture laminate.  Now that is a bad choice for a builder to put in a kitchen.  It is not a smooth surface and really does hold in grease and dirt, so besides a daily scrubbing, once a month when I deep clean I get out a  Fine Scotch Brite pad, my sink full of hot grease cutting soapy water and I scrub.  Once it is all clean and dry I spray the surface with Pledge and shine to a soft sheen.  The pledge seals the formica (Formica recommends polishing formica with spray wax) and keeps grease and dirt from settling in the textured surface.

Once the counters are all clean it’s fun to rearrange and create some new vignettes.  

Last job is to polish the granite island.  I use a product that polishes and seals, so it does double duty.

All clean top to bottom, now I need to cook a great meal or maybe bake something fantastic.

Or maybe I’ll just sit here on a bar stool and enjoy seeing it all clean.

What are your favorite cleaning tips?

I am joining the following parties:

Addison Meadows LaneCraftberry Bush , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,  Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove , 

The Charm Of Home , Chic A Shoestring Decorating,

 FindingFabulous ,  Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo ,

 Redoux Interiors

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