Home » 279th Inspire Me Tuesday

279th Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 279th Inspire Me Tuesday.  Tons of great links last week, if you missed any, you need to go back and catch up.  Tons of ideas and inspiration.  Here are just a few. – –

You really have to go see every detail of this precious little ballerina’s room.  Blesser House has created the most wonderful room for her little ballerina.  Wait until you see the dressing area with all of her tu-tus.

Purple Hues & Me used flagstone to upgrade her entry and cover some cracked concrete.  Definitely upgraded her curb appeal too.  Gorgeous.

It’s hard to believe this is the same bathroom.  You really need to go see the total makeover at The Painted Apron.  This went from “unreal” to “wow unreal”.

Driftwood decor is all the rage and pretty pricy too, but Scavenger Chic has mastered the art of creating her own.  Love, love, love this lamp and she gives a step by step tutorial too.

A porch swing is always wonderful, but if it is as gorgeous as this wicker one, then it is FABULOUS.  Lovely Livings dressed this one to perfection.

Sunburst mirrors are all the rage and definitely one of today’s trendy items.  Now I have seen several DIY’s, but this one made out of an old mini blind is genius.  Savvy Apron shares a complete tutorial.  Big impact decor for pennies, love it.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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