Home » Same Vignette – Summer To Fall – Free

Same Vignette – Summer To Fall – Free

When the seasons change and you want to ease into it instead of re-inventing the wheel and starting all over, just revamp what you have.  

Feathers and grass speak Fall to me.

 This is the same vignette I’ve had this summer with a few flowering twigs.  Easy enough to change this into fall.

First I rounded up some feathers and a couple of grass sprigs that I had in my stash.  They are way too short to reach the bottom of the bottle, so I need to give them some help.  Wood skewers and some tape to the rescue.

 Now they are nice and tall and the wood skewers look great in the bottom of the bottle.

 I had a variety of feathers, so I used several different ones.

From Flowers to-

 Feathers – Easy simple change for free.

How about you, are you starting your fall decor yet?  Be sure to mark your calendar for our – 

30 gorgeous homes to inspire you, so save the date.

You can still link up to Inspire Me.  So much to see so check a few things out.

I am joining the following parties.

 Savvy Southern Style , Ivy and Elephants ,

 DIY by Design , Just A Girl & Her BlogStyle Sisters ,

Beyoned The Picket Fence ,Home Stories A to Z , The Blissful Bee ,

,The Dedicated House , Craftberry Bush , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse  A Delightsome Life , 

Imparting Grace , From My Front Porch To Yours 

No Minimalist Here

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