Home » The Kitchen Island Is Painted

The Kitchen Island Is Painted

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.  Case in point – painting the kitchen island has been on my to do list since the first of the year, but it just kept getting put off. 

 This week I convinced myself it was time to get it done.  It was really dirty and really bothering me. 

 However, the “worst enemy” part comes in here. 

 I have been trying to lose some weight and get back in shape, so I signed up to work with a trainer at the gym and Tuesday was my first day. 

 One full hour for this person to torture me.  We started at 8:30 in the morning and at about 9:35 I crawled walked out.  I made a quick trip to Lowe’s for some lightbulbs that had burned out on the microwave and found that walking all over that store was a little hard, some of my muscles were a little tense. 

 When I got home I got a big bottle of ice cold water and checked on you guys on my blog and toured some of your latest posts.  Then all of a sudden, I got up and decided this was the time to just go ahead and paint the island and get it over with.

  More on this tale to come as the day wore on —

As you can see in this before photo, the island was a camel color that the family room use to be painted.  The color worked then, but now that I’ve painted both the familyroom and breakfast area white, it really didn’t look good.

 I added stain to the corbels when I first painted them, but now they just looked really dirty  (that brown spot in the picture is from my camera.  I have cleaned the lense a dozen times, but that spot is still there.)

 There was not only dirt, but some nicks in the sheetrock from a shelf that fell, and as you can see, plenty of dirt on those baseboards too.

                                 Now back to the story of “worst enemy”.

 This is after one coat and it was evident that it would take two.  Crawling around on the floor on my hands and knees was like a second workout for the day.

 When I took a breather before the second coat, I was beginning to set up like cement.  My muscles wanted to know what the heck was going on.

 I took an hour break and then forced myself to get down on the floor and put that second coat on.

                                                    Ta-Da  All Done.
 So much better and now it not only is cleaner it matches the paint in the rest of the room, well except for the Chocolate that I have on the main kitchen walls.

 I love it, so bright and clean and looks so much better.  As for me, I was so stiff for the rest of the day I could hardly move.  Thank goodness I didn’t have another training session until Thursday.  I don’t think my muscles could have taken anything else.

 Finally about 4 in the afternoon I filled the soaking tub with some really hot soapy water, poured myself a glass of wine and enjoyed a nice long soak with my favorite book.  Ahhhhhh – talk about heaven.

I worked with the trainer on Thursday and Friday, not as bad as the first go round, but boy, am I out of shape.  I am hanging in there, I am determined to take some weight off and get this body back down to size.  (However I didn’t paint anything else this week. haha.)

So, tell me about your “worst enemy” story.

Don’t forget to sign up for my 3 Monogram Decal giveaway here. 

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

I am joining the following parties:

 Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,

It’s OverflowingSilver Pennies 

  DIY Showoff , Thoughts From Alice , 

 Creatively Living ,Just A Girl & Her Blog , Pink  

 Mod VintageLife ,The Dedicated House , Between Naps On The Porch ,

                 Dwellings-Heart of Your Home ,  Karen’s Up On The Hill

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