Home » Change Of Plans – 14 Coming To Dinner – New Tablescape

Change Of Plans – 14 Coming To Dinner – New Tablescape

I absolutely love having all of my family and friends together, but it seems like that is so hard to do.  There are always two families to visit for every holiday (his and hers) and then sometimes it is my friends turn to host, so getting a bunch together at one time is increasingly hard. 

This year I am so thrilled, I will have most of my family and a few friends here for Thanksgiving.  The count is now 14. 

Let’s reset the table, there’s always room for more.

I will seat 8 in the family/breakfast room at the long harvest table and 6 can eat at the living/dining table. 

 (I have 4 leaves for this table, so I can actually seat 10 really comfortably, so if anybody else wants to come to dinner, there is room.)

I added one leaf to the table and just shopped the house for a simple centerpiece.

 This floral arrangement was on the coffee table (I replaced it with another plant).

                         The hurricanes were stashed away in the closet.

Pulling it all together made a simple yet pretty centerpiece.

 Each place setting is a octagon shaped white plate, gold charger and white napkin.  (The plates and napkins are from a previous Goodwill treasure hunt.)

                            Sometimes simple and spur of the moment is best.

                         I love having everyone together.  How about you?

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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