Home » 299th Inspire Me Tuesday

299th Inspire Me Tuesday

Happy New Year and welcome to the 299th Inspire Me Tuesday.

  If you are like me you are making all kinds of resolutions to get your budget and your body in shape with some savings and exercise, plus losing a few pounds.  You guys shared a few great tips last week, so I thought I would share a few here if you missed them.

The Easiest 5 Minute Budget was shared by The Coconut Head.  So simple, now why didn’t I think of this.

Crystal and Company shared a list of 27 eBooks to Help Your Family Save Money.

My Frugal & Thrifty Budget Ideas has been a huge hit for the last 2 years and still gets tons of pins today.

Inspiration for Moms gave us a list of 20 Healthy Snacks under 150 calories.

If you’re thinking about the Whole 30 idea, Eat Pray Read Love gives us a whole weeks sample meal plan.

My Easy Peasy Recipes & Eating Healthy has some super ideas the whole family will love.

I wanted to show one last Christmas photo.  I fell in love with this scene set up with goodies for Santa.  Check out Dancing Dog Cabin for some really pretty Christmas decor.  This is a new to me blog, but one you might want to check out too.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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