Home » Putting The House Back Together – The Breakfast Room

Putting The House Back Together – The Breakfast Room

Once all the decor is down every room looks empty and unfinished.  You know how it is, you dust and vacuum, but all the tables are bare.   There are rooms full of furniture but no character because there are no accessories.  Maybe a bit here and there, but not really anything called a design.

I seem to always struggle when starting from scratch as to what to do next. 

 I have been testing a few different pillows and accessories throughout the house, but nothing has stuck so far.  That is until now – – –

The Breakfast area needed to be put together.

We use this table every day, so having something that works for us is a must.

I keep it set for 4 even thought there are only the two of us most days, however it is always a treat when a friend or family stops by.

I like a low profile centerpiece so we can talk and visit without anything interrupting the view.  These sculpted wheat bundles are some of my favorite accessories and that candle is fabulous.

Something a little on the rustic, casual side is perfect for our lifestyle.

Now to work on the rest of the house.  Isn’t it funny how you get inspired once even one small thing is done.  I am on a roll, so watch out. haha

   Is yours put back together yet?

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