Home » Neutral Family Room & A Little Reality

Neutral Family Room & A Little Reality

I am loving all the neutral I have going on right now.  As I said in my post about the Breakfast Area, it is nice to have calm and simple after Christmas.  

Since the Family Room and Breakfast Area are all one space, of course I thought they had to coordinate.  I love the browns in my horse painting and I loved the rustic browns in the tablesetting of the breakfast table, so I continued it right on through the whole space.

 A super simple coffee table.  I am craving no clutter right now.

See how well this ties in with the Breakfast Area.

To me this looks so inviting.

Ok, let’s get really real.  When I am standing at the kitchen island, this is what I see.  I am staring over a bunch of really not so pretty plants, however these are some really special ones to my hubby, so they had to come in out of the cold and rain.  (He’s a Master Gardener and has totally different taste in plants than I do)

To further keep it real.  Remember I said at Christmas that my sons and grandsons all brought 14 guitars over for a Jam session for our get together.  There are still 7 and an amp here they havn’t picked up yet.

See, these are the plants we are keeping dry and warm.  Not very exciting to me, but so exciting to hubby since the big one is making seeds.

So we can have reality or – – –

Pretty.  Personality, I love the kooky reality that is my world.  I wouldn’t change a thing.

Is your reality a little kooky too?

Sharing at – Coastal Charm

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

To see more of my home decor, DIY, lifestyle and other posts, I’d love to have you follow me on any of the following.

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