A Few Changes In The Kitchen

I didn’t change a whole lot when I packed up Christmas, so this week when I was cleaning the kitchen, I had the urge to change things up a little bit more.

This corner is my focal point in the kitchen, so it’s the one that I love to play with the most. 

If you like Italian, you will love this cookbook.  One of my dear friends Jan D’Atri is the author, and there are so many fabulous recipes to try.

Light and bright and a nod to spring.  I am ready for warm weather and playing outside.  (Can’t wait to show you what all is going on in my backyard)

 I love having these few things near the stove, so easy to just grab what I need and it is always on hand.  I had several bottles of flavored oils on the butter tray, but since I didn’t use them fast enough, they spoiled.  I am just keeping my Canola oil here for now.  I use it just about every single day.  I love having the salt and pepper grinders too.

I placed my favorite cloche on the island.  I think that little french chef baked up a storm and then drank way too much wine. haha  (Love my new Pfister Faucet)

I’m still working around hubby’s plants that have to stay inside for a while.  I was trying to take pictures without getting them in the shot, but you will see a stray leaf in a few shots.  I still need to hone my photography skills.  haha

I love a clean kitchen and it’s fun to have something new to look at. 

How about you, are you in the mood to change up everything?

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