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An Epic Fail & Other Good Stuff

I was so excited that my daughter was giving me her gorgeous leather sofa, chair and ottoman.  She redid her family room with a beautiful new set, so these fabulous pieces were going to be mine.

Now I knew that her home was WAY bigger than mine, but I really thought from the measurements of the sofa that this would all work.  WRONG.

The minute the chair and ottoman came in, you could tell that yes, it fit, but it totally consumed the entire room.  I even eleminated the larger end table between the two chairs and got rid of an end table on the side of the sofa.  

I didn’t get a picture with the sofa, but it was evident that I would need to remove the wicker chair and get a smaller coffee table.  

Another lesson is paying attention to the scale of furniture for a room.  This set fit, but that didn’t mean it was a good fit.  Too massive and two oversized for this room.  It didn’t compliment the room or the furniture.  A HUGE reminder to not only take the measurements of a piece of furniture, but to look at the scale of the furniture also.  

As much as I love this beautiful leather set it just consums this small room.  Not going to work at all.

Ok, drying my tears and putting the room back together and moving on.


On a much happier and more positive note –

It can be a little intimidating to have such good friends that are so talented (and pretty).  When Kristi from Design Chic asked me to reveiw her book – Dear Carolina, I was so thrilled and loved it.  What a great book.

Now she has written her second book and I just got my copy to review.

I can’t wait to start reading it.  You can pre-order your copy from Amazon here.  It is due out the first part of April.  This should definitely be on your must read list.

Another book that I think everyone should have on their reading list is my dear friend Barbara Hinski’s Uncovering Secrets.  This is the third is a series that began with Coming To Rosemont.  You definitely will love this collection and can order your copy from Amazon here.

 I also just got my copy of Emily Henderson’s new book Styled.  It is available on Amazon here.

I have a ton of reading to do so I am just going to put my room back together and prop my feet up and read.

How about you, any epic fails, or good reads?

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