Home » Those Spendy Pom Pom Pillows – Diy Copy Cat

Those Spendy Pom Pom Pillows – Diy Copy Cat

You know those pom-pom pillows that are all the rage and cost an arm and a leg, well you can make one so easy.

I have seen several diy pom-pom pillows all over blogland, but I couldn’t find a really easy tutorial and I wanted to copy those spendy ones you see in the designer studios.  

Most of the tutorials I have seen are for rounded pom-poms.  I wanted mine to be the shaggy fluffy kind I see on those designer pillows that cost over $100.  (Not about to pay that much for a pillow.)  So I decided to make one and it is so easy.

I headed off the Hobby Lobby to find some yarn and one of their really fabulous ready-made pillow covers.   I picked out a varigated nubby yard to coordinate with the pillow cover I chose.

I decided on a pretty linen weave pillow that was only $5.99.  Now these come with a zipper and you can’t buy the fabric and zipper to make one for that price.

I found a piece of cardboard and cut a 1 1/2 inch strip.  Then I wound the yarn around it 45 times.  I cut a 8 inch lengh of yarn, slid it through the wound yarn and tied a not.

Then I cut through the yarn on the untied end.  To fasten it to my pillow, I threaded one of my two strings that I tied it with onto a large darning needle.

Then I slipped the needle through the fabric, close to the sewn edge and pulled the yarn through.

Grab the other string you tied the pom-pom with and tie in a knot securing the pom-pom to the pillow tightly.

I tied one to each corner and then just filled in the rest of the sides.

Ta-Da. – – -All done and I saved a bunch.  This was a really easy and fast diy.  I love how it turned out.

I had a coupon, so my “diy designer” pillow came in under $10.  Gotta love that.

Have you seen all of their pillow covers at HL?  The selection is fantastic.  You can find them in the fabric section in an aisle with their drapes and rods.

Enjoy the Super Bowl tomorrow.  I can’t wait.

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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