306th Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 306th Inspire Me Tuesday.  Gosh, I feel like a total slacker, you guys are on such a roll and wow, are you ever creating the most beautiful spaces and your diy projects are totally top notch.  I loved everything from last week, so hard to pick just a few to share.

Dirty Hands-Beautiful Life always comes up with a great plan.  I love her backdoor mudroom.   Such a great place to take off your boots and still have everything look wonderful and wait until you get a closer look at her command center on the left.  So simple and genius.

Since my home is small it is always a constant battle to keep things clean and organized.  Clean & Sensible shared a whole house full of ideas for decluttering and organizing any space.  I love her ideas.

I know that we all love pillows and we love to have a lot of them.  Nap Time Creations give us the tutorial for 20 different throw pillows.  She shares sew and no sew styles that will work for everyone.

I just thought this was so fun.  Do you want to dress up a pair of shoes, then Flamingo Toes has the perfect tutorial for you.  Take a plain basic pair and make them fabulous.

Sometimes a simple fix is the best.  Sweet Parrish Place needed to fix a problem in their builder grade shower.   It went from this – —

to this with just a little tile.  Great solution and it looks amazing.

LouLou Girls shares one of the best tutorials for how to make a Roman Shade that I’ve seen in a long time.  Tons of pics for each step.

So many great ideas for a little boys room in this makeover by Little Farm Diary.
I can’t imagine any boy not loving this space.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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