Adding Some Spring To The Dining Room

Spring is popping up everywhere and I am loving all the pretty bright colors and stunning floral arrangements.  I love using flowering branches too, they always add so much drama.  Last year I bought a pretty jar from Hobby Lobby and have had so much fun changing it up with branches and creating different vignettes.

I started out with this the other day.  I am loving yellow this spring, it keeps grabbing my eye every where I go.  These faux flowering branches just had to come home with me.  I mixed them with some white branches I had from last year, then  I added a few simple accessories around the jar to create a small centerpiece vignette.

This type of vignette is so easy to create and the tall branches always add so much drama.

 Last year for Easter I used the same vase with branches, I just added a candle and cross.

Then for summer I used bright table runners and left the jar by itself.

I can’t seem to resist tweaking something every time I walk past it, so this is what I have going on now.  I added a few more pieces to the vignette.  My large J & O replaced the small O.

  Loving this for now, but who knows, the next time I walk by it might change again. haha  Tell me I am not the only one that changes things every 5 minutes, I know you must do that too, don’t you?

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