Home » Special Occasion Dressing

Special Occasion Dressing

I don’t know about you, but my wardrobe needs a little freshening up every once in a while, especially for some more dressy pieces.  Things that would work for special occasions.  I seem to have plenty of everyday clothes, but it’s those times when you want to dress up a little that I seem to have the basic black outfit.  There is nothing wrong with a good black outfit, but I am trying to branch out and find a few things that would work that aren’t black.

Now I am not a fashionista nor am I a model, so these you will see on the hanger, but you get the idea.

I found this really pretty lace jacket and just fell in love with it.  I think I can use that in a million different ways.  It would be great over my little black dress, or anything pastel.  I even have some gorgeous white slacks that I could pair with it for a really pretty look too. ( I’ve had several emails about the jacket.  It is from Dillards.  You can find it here.)

The look I put together here is gray and white.  I think gray can be a softer “black” and still carry the same impact.

Gray slacks, a gray studded blouse for a little sparkle and this could be appropriate for any dressy occasion.

I am also really loving this burnished gold almost camel color of this sequin sweater.

Again with some gray pants and a gray and gold blouse and this could be a really fun date night or party outfit.

This is a really good time to look through those sales for some great buys.  There is a lot of “Holiday” dressing on sale.  I found this pretty sweater at Dillards on sale for $27.50.  That’s a great buy marked down from $79.95.

What are your favorite “dress up” outfits and are you into black or do you branch out?

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