Home » Backyard Progress – The Pool Is Finished

Backyard Progress – The Pool Is Finished

I am so ready for the warm weather this summer, yeeeeekkkkkk – I have a small pool to cool off in.  A while back I showed you tons of work going on in the back yard.

We went from this when we first moved into the house – hubby and a small garden area.  Then the tree died and the garden area became a huge mess.

So my children decided it was time to fix up the yard and give me a place to cool off when the temps hit those 110 – 120 days.   Their idea included a small pool, storage area, raised garden beds and a small pond.  All three children chipped in and made it happen. The boys got busy with tons of supplies and grunt labor and my daughter finished the pool off with a salt water filter and umbrella.

 The whole idea came from a picture I showed them over a year ago of a fabulous little pool that was shared by Let’s Add Sprinkles.  I love her stock pond pool and it is the perfect size for my small area.  My son remembered it and put his plan into action.

 It took a jackhammer to dig some of the holes, but these two were relentless.

Fences went up to hide the potting benches and compost pile –

and the background for the pool started to take shape. –

Plumbing was done for the filter –

and the stock tank was painted with pool paint.

The pump was given a dry run and then painted to match the inside of the pool –

and the waterfall was tested.

The umbrella was set up on a weighted platform and covers the whole area.

  Cool clear filtered water and a fabulous waterfall to listen to.

There’s still work to do and plants to plants, but I am ready for hot weather.

Stop by anytime and we’ll have a glass of tea or wine and cool off in the pool.

It’s been fun to see that several magazines have picked up on the pool – Here is the link to the feature by WOOHome DIY, Home Decor & Interior –

You might also enjoy my 2016 Spring Home Tour.

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  1. Tiffany
    September 2, 2019 / 4:51 am

    Hi can you please tell me what you used for the pool? Is there a dyi tutorial on how you made the pool?

    • marty39
      September 2, 2019 / 8:03 am

      We used a stock tank for the pool and you saw the instructions in the post how to put it together. Thanks, Marty

  2. Kyle Peavy
    May 6, 2020 / 7:21 pm

    I’d love to know how the blue paint has held up for you. We want to paint ours, but many people recommend not painting the galvanized metal … can’t decide what to do.
    Your setup is so nice… your pictures are all over the internet I’m glad I finally found the source 🙂
    Thanks, Kyle

    • marty39
      May 6, 2020 / 9:09 pm

      We didn’t have any problem with our paint. It was for pools and it held up beautifully. Marty

      • Daniel Banks
        June 19, 2020 / 3:31 pm

        Do you still have the pool? Did you prime before painting?

        • marty39
          June 19, 2020 / 3:34 pm

          That pool was in our previous home. We sold that home 3 years ago and built an inground pool in our current home. No we did not prime, we cleaned the pool really well and then used pool paint and it never chipped. It looked amazing and was fantastic. We enjoyed it almost every day for two years before we sold the house. Marty

    • Alama
      January 18, 2021 / 3:49 pm

      What is the depth of your pool?

      • January 18, 2021 / 5:32 pm

        It is 3 feet deep.

  3. Amy McMichael
    July 7, 2020 / 7:37 pm

    So did you not use the hoses that came with the pump that most people use and drill into their tank? I love the idea of not drilling and mounting them on the side. Instead it looks like you just used pvc pipe and made a waterfall for the return water. Is that right?
    Thank you

    • July 7, 2020 / 9:01 pm

      My sons did all the installation. They did drill a hole and we did have a pump and a waterfall. Behind the wall they had a whole network of pipes and electrical. Our water circulated through the pump and it also pumped water up to the waterfall if you turned that part on. Marty

  4. Grace Douglass
    July 17, 2020 / 11:46 am

    It’s lovely. Do you remember the diameter of the stock tank?

    • July 17, 2020 / 1:11 pm

      Yes, ours was an 8 foot tub. Marty

  5. Brian
    July 23, 2020 / 7:37 pm

    Do you remember what brand of pool paint that you used? And when you cleaned the pool, did you use any chemical cleaners or vinegar in order to get the paint to adhere to the galvanized steel?

    • July 23, 2020 / 8:50 pm

      I don’t remember the brand of pool paint, it was from a pool supply company. No we just used some steel wool the clean the inside really well and it never chipped after it was painted. Marty

  6. September 5, 2020 / 7:15 pm

    I love the entire post, very informative. Do you guys used any filters to clean the water. if so what kind and where did you get it. if no filter was used how did you keep the water clean. Thanks in advance.

    • September 5, 2020 / 9:15 pm

      We used a small pond type filter and it worked perfectly. Check with your pool company. Marty

  7. Jennifer
    September 16, 2020 / 3:32 pm

    Hi Marty, we are trying to put a waterfall into our stock pool and are finding it difficult to find one. Do you happen to remember where you got the waterfall?

    • September 16, 2020 / 3:38 pm

      Itis one my son built and installed into the back of the wall. He just used a pump to bring the water back up and then back into the pool. It also worked as our filter. Marty

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