Home » 2016 Spring Home Tour – My Home

2016 Spring Home Tour – My Home

I am so excited you’re here for the beginning of our 2016 Spring Home Tour.  We will have 6 homes each day for the next 5 days, so I hope you will mark your calendar and come back each day to see all 30 of these gorgeous tours.

I am starting things off with my home.  Welcome, come on in and I’ll show you around.  We’ll start off with the living room since it is right inside the door.  I’ve been on a bit of a yellow kick lately, it just seems so cheerful.  I’m still into the checks too, not sure if they are Farmhouse French or Country Farmhouse, but I am loving them.

I went really simple with my vignettes, the coffee table has a swan, some ivy and a couple of candles.  The tray holds some of my favorite decor books.

By mixing a lot of different patterns, I think it gives the simple black and yellow color scheme a ton of interest & personality.

I carried the yellow over into the dining area with some pretty spring buds.

This yellow and white is becoming one of my favorite color schemes.

Yellow continues into the breakfast area.  This is my Farmhouse Country Easter table.

I added a few sunflowers to the family room too.

Beige, cream and black work so well in this room and the touch of yellow sparks things up.

This is my view from the kitchen island.  Love that horse painting.

For winter the Master Bedroom was done in a really neutral pallet of silver, gold and white.  Spring just seems to call out for color and I love the mix of orange and gray.

Just a touch of color but still soft and relaxing.

 Thanks so much for the visit, I enjoy having you here.  Now on to the rest of today’s tours.

 Here’s the lineup for the rest of today’s tours.   You are in for such an amazing treat, all of these ladies are so talented and their homes will amaze you.

Next up on the tour is Julia @ Cuckoo4Design.  I love her style, always so chic and she has definitely mastered the art of pattern and texture.

Life on Virginia Street –  Sarah’s home has the best of all worlds – Deep saturated color and light and bright.  That’s a balance that takes talent.

 Thrifty and Chic – Alicia is the queen of DIY.  She has the vision to see what can be and uses that talent to turn her home into a showplace.

Snazzy Little Things -Jeanette and her husband have been transforming every inch of their home and wait until you see the results.  She’s having fun now with all the decor.

Rain On A Tin Roof – Jenna’s home is full of fabulous color and a touch of whimsy.   One of my favorite places to visit.

and be sure to come back to see these fabulous homes on Tuesday

Tuesday – Mar 22

Making Home Base -Chelsea 

Claire Brody Designs -Claire 

Driven By Decor – Kris 

Eleven Gables – Emily   

Bliss @ Home – Kristin 

Hymns & Verses – Doreen 

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