Home » The Best Of Both Worlds

The Best Of Both Worlds

I love to cook and baking is probably my favorite thing, although I really enjoy creating a fabulous everyday meal too.

  Having the right tools is a must to pull off a good meal with the least amount of effort.  I got this KitchenAid mixer for Christmas a year ago and it has been a total work horse.

Finding a place where it could be out all the time was major for me.  I use this treasure several times a week.

However when I am doing a cheat box cake, I have another mixer that is my second work horse.

A hand mixer is such a necessity in any kitchen I think.

 This is another KitchenAid.  I think they are top of the line and last a lifetime.

I love that this one has 7 different speeds.  Whether I am mixing a cake, whipping cream or potatoes, there is the right speed available for every job.

 Super light weight and easy to use.

It whipped up the perfect cake in just a few minutes.

I am cooking a ham and making several other desserts for Easter tomorrow, but I am having last minute company tonight, so I need something in a hurry.  I may cheat and frost the cake with canned frosting, or I could whip some cream and serve with strawberries.  I’ll see how it goes.  My main course tonight is Spaghetti, Salad and some fabulous Garlic Bread.

This is a super easy last minute meal to pull together and it will look like I worked all day.  Love that.

(This is not a sponsored post, I just really like my mixers and think everyone should have them.)

I would love to wish everyone a VERY BLESSED AND HAPPY EASTER.  I hope you have a very special day with family and friends. God Bless

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