Home » A Little Tar’-Jay Shopping

A Little Tar’-Jay Shopping

The other day I needed to run to the bank and with Target in the same shopping center, of course I had to go in and see what all was going on.  I did need some running socks, so that was a good reason.  Once inside I can’t resist walking the whole store.  That’s also good exercise, so I try to hit every aisle to see what all is new. haha

I found a couple of things that I thought would be fun.  I am still really trying to stick to my new years goals and budget, so I always look for the best bargain.

I’ve been adding some yellow all through the house – even the front porch, so when I saw these bright yellow towels, I had to have them.  Now they aren’t super high quality, but they are mostly for show, and at $3.99 for the pair, why not.  I replaced the white hand towels with these beauties.  (you can see my complete bathroom makeover here and here.)

I think they’re just the spice the bathroom needed.

As I found myself in the kitchen section, I always take a look at napkins and linens, they have some great buys sometimes.  I found some really fun kitchen towels and cloths.  I love, love, love flour sacks and these fun flower sack towels definitely had to come home with me.  You get 2 solid and 2 polka dot in a bundle for $3.99.  Now that’s a bargain.  I also found some really great gray dish clothes to go with me.  You get 6 of them in a bundle for $3.99.

Fun trip to Target.  Have you found any treasures lately?

(I am not compensated in any way by Target, just fun finds that I wanted to pass along.)

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