A Trip To Ikea

Today was a fun day, hubby and I set out to run several erands and to make a trip to Ikea.  It is about 50 miles from our house, so it is a drive, but the traffic wasn’t bad on Saturday and we had a stop on the way and one on the way back home, so that broke things up.

I was too busy eating, but of course we had to have the Swedish Meat Balls for lunch.  They were really good.  Now that we were all fed, we were ready to shop.

I always love the decor aisles.  Pillows are amazing and the prices are really inexpensive.  I love how they display them by color.  So pretty, and their feather inserts are the best and you really can’t beat their price anywhere.

I loved this color green.  This was a sort of silk fabric with a really pretty shine.

There are so many throw blankets to chose from, they are scattered all over the store.  (It was so busy it was hard not to get other customers in the pics.)

 I have this fabulous brown and gray on the left and today I bought the black and white stripe on the bottom.

 These cable knit throws were so beautiful.  I probably should have gotten the red one for next Christmas.

They have some gorgeous fabrics by the yard.  I saw several that I really liked.

Their curtains are so fabulous – they are worth the trip all by themselves.  There were so many people I couldn’t get any pics, but oh, so many pretty ones.

Rugs are another area that is unreal.  So many choices and such wonderful prices.  This black and white polka dot is only $19.95 and it is gorgeous.  Great size too.

 I couldn’t help but think I needed this rug to go with my famous Ikea pillow in the same pattern.  It really is pretty.  I didn’t buy it, but I think it is amazing.

I wanted some more of their black and white stripe plates but they were out, so I didn’t get any.  I did get a black and white strip pillow cover and some black and white stripe placemats.

This was the section hubby always likes.  He found about 8 pots that he wanted.  See the guy with the basket on the left.  He is covering up a display of beautiful white glazed pots that were only 49c.  Hubby bought 4.

Next we stopped off at the gravel yard to get a couple of 5 gallon buckets of some 1/4 inch rocks in brown and 1/4 inch in a pretty tan.  Hubby is going to put some of his plants in the next garden show and see if he can win another ribbon and he needed gravel for top dressing.

Home and a glass of wine, then I think we will have some leftover pot roast and a salad and call it a day.

How was your Saturday?

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