I believe in neat and I like for things to be in it’s place, however sometimes I think I go a little too far. Let me explain – —
It was Friday morning and I started the laundry. I opened this drawer to get some fresh towels for the kitchen and decided that it needed to be straightened up a little and organized. I removed everything, refolded it all and organized all the dishcloths, towels and hotpads into sections. Good, that was ok.
however — –
there is more to the story.
I had the iron out so I could press a couple of shirts when they came out of the laundry, so in the meantime I started pressing all the pillows I bought at Ikea. These velvet ones were really wrinkled and it was really hard to get all the wrinkles out, so I was doing them each 2 or 3 times trying to make them smooth.
All of these came out really nice, it was just the gray ones that were giving me a problem.
That leads us to the point where I went too far. I love this little french chef towel, but it had been washed so many times and was really full of wrinkles and didn’t lay nice and flat anymore. Since the iron was out – – – I IRONED IT.
See how pretty and fresh it looks now.
Ok, I admit, that’s a little over the top, but what can I say.
Now I am going to press the gray pillow covers again and then the shirts and put the iron away. Gezzzzzzzzzzz
Do you get carried away sometimes too?
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