Home » An Unreal Day – Good – Bad & UGLY

An Unreal Day – Good – Bad & UGLY

Some days you wonder if you should just go back to bed.  Today is one of those days.  I always want to start off with something positive, so let’s do that and save the bad and ugly for last.

I have three special ladies to honor for Mother’s Day, so I found the perfect gifts, then went looking for boxes.  I couldn’t find any pretty boxes anywhere.  Usually Target has some really nice ones, but the only thing they had was really tiny, so that didn’t work.  I did find some cute bags and tissue and then I saw these really fun initials.  How great do they look.

I think these are such a cute idea.  I won’t have a problem at all knowing which package belongs to who.

Ok, now let’s get to the Bad. – – -You see all this filigree trim on this thing.  It is what’s left of a ceiling fan that was the most gawdy thing you ever saw.  Imagine dark mahogany blades and swirled glass globes – 4 of them.  I caught this picture just as hubby was taking it apart to take it down.  It was here when we moved in and definitely needed to go.  Thank goodness it started to make a noise, so hubby said today is the day, go buy a new one.  Something really simple and plain.

So off to the store to find something really simple.  I found one I liked, brought it home and asked hubby if he was ready to hang it up.  It was really pretty brushed nickel with a lovely single globe.  Not at all what hubby wanted.  He said it wasn’t enough light, so go back and get something with at least 3 lights.  Now he never has an opinion about anything decorative, so I figured this mattered to him.

Ok, back to Lowe’s and find something simple and three lights.  Now this one isn’t very pretty, however it is simple and has three lights, so I grabbed it.  It’s a really good one, quiet as a mouse and 52 ” blades give plenty of circulation.  Since we live in the desert and summer is on the way, you definitley need to keep the air moving when it reaches those ll5 – l20 degree days.  So the Bad is gone and the only other Bad was having to make 2 trips to Lowe’s.

Ok, now for the really, really UGLY.  Before any of this other stuff took place, I woke up around 4:30 and couldn’t go back to sleep.  So up I go and shuffle my way into the kitchen to turn the coffee pot on.  I see something in front of the fridge.  Looks wet.  Turn on the coffee and open the Fridge door.

Nope I didn’t get a picture of the flooded fridge.  At 4:30 in the morning, I couldn’t think about pictures.  I had a “box” of wine in here that leaked and 2 liters of wine drained out and filled every inch of this fridge with sticky wine.  It dripped into the meat saver, both crispers and see those two areas under the crispers, they are about 1 1/2 ” deep and  they were filled to the brim with wine.  It was starting to overflow over the edge and onto the floor.  Some was even splashed onto the second door shelf.  Everything in the entire fridge was either ruined or sticky.

Off came the bathrobe, put on my grubbies, grabbed a cup of coffee, took a sip and started taking everything out of the fridge.  I threw away tons of things.  With all the shelves out, I finally managed to soak up all that wine and then start to scrubbing.  This is what was left.  (Next I had to grab the mop and start to mop up sticky off the kitchen floor)   However the GOOD part of this really UGLY story is I have a totally clean and scrubbed fridge from top to bottom and I know that everything in here is fresh and up to date.

  Now to go grocery shopping, but not today.  I think I am ready for a shower and then a glass of wine.  Good thing I have a casserole in the freezer, that will definitely be dinner.

Let’s End with a pretty picture shall we.  Isn’t my orchid doing good and isn’t it pretty!!!

I hope your day is going well. If not, have a good laugh with me and then a glass of wine and everything will be fabulous.

P. S.  After a shower I had a change of heart and went grocery shopping.  After all I can’t start drinking wine at 1 in the afternoon.  Now we have a full fridge & pantry and I’m ready to cook up a storm for Mother’s day. 

We’re celebrating Mother’s Day tomorrow so all the kids can visit the in-laws on Sunday.  That way we all get to spend some time together.  Hope your Mother’s Day is the best ever.

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