Home » The First Piece Of The Kitchen Makeover

The First Piece Of The Kitchen Makeover

You know how you dream up a plan and try to visualize it in your mind, I have been doing that with my kitchen makeover.  I think I know where I am going with my design, but I just need a few visuals.  I ordered these bar stools and I love them and can totally see how they will work with my makeover.

Picture the kitchen painted the off white of the surrounding walls, stainless appliances, black back countertops, black or charcoal gray island and hardwood floors.   Also, I am definitely not painting the cabinets.  Also delete in your mind all the accessories.  (Country is going, contemporary is coming in)

I love the finish on the barstools.  It has black/gray and brown tones to it.  The seats are Gray Linen.  I love the idea of finding a hardwood floor that has some of these colors in it.  Especially a little gray.  Not too much, but a little gray and brown would be nice. 

Ok, now to go try to find flooring.  That is the first thing to get done, so I need to nail this down pretty soon.  I really want to get started. 

It will take some primer and a couple of coats of paint to turn this room back into  creamy white like the surrounding walls.  I think I will get that done before the floors since I don’t want any paint dripped on my new hardwood.  I can always touch up after they finish the installation.  So time to take this kitchen apart and start painting.  I’ve taken everything off the top of the cabinets and scrubbed the cabinets and walls.  Top part is ready to prime.  Now to clean off the counters and get ready to paint under the cabinets.

What do you think?  Can you see it.  This picture is really blurry, but it is the closest thing to my vision I could find.

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