The makeover continues with the kitchen, little by little. I decided to go ahead and paint the island even though there are a million other things that need to get done. I just wanted to get a feel for how things would look.
Remember, this is my inspiration picture. My cabinets are the same and I am getting new stainless appliances, also I have a similar granite on the island. The only difference is I will have black back counters and this picture doesn’t.
Now this is how it looked when I started painting. It kind of scared me. Not sure I like this.
Now I know it always takes a while to get use to something new, but this is really a change. I started to paint the wood part and then stopped, just in case I change my mind, then I can cover the black part with beadboard and stain it to match the cabinets. I think I have to live with this for a while.
I’m using Iron Ore by Sherwin Williams. It is a deep charcoal gray. I couldn’t believe that it was going to take two coats.
Ok, I had to go ahead and finish so I could get a better feel and see if I liked this or not. I know, it’s just paint, so I can always change it.
Second coat and all finished. I still didn’t paint the wood sides yet, I’m still debating. I know it will look totally different with black back counters and stainless appliances, but right not I’m not sure if this will stay or not.
I dug out some black fabric from my stash and did a mock-up to see how it would look with the back counters in black. Remember, there will be stainless appliances.
Then I tried to visualize it with just black counters on the back and the island left in white.
Here is what it looked like before I started painting. White paint like the rest of the walls. I do like how bright the kitchen is with the white.
Again with black island and mock-up black counters in back.
How about a soft silvery gray to go with the stainless appliances, or maybe just back to the white, or how about some sort of molding on the front of the island.
Give me your opinion, stay or go? What are your ideas?
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