I am so excited, I found just the perfect new flooring and I can’t wait to get it all installed. I showed you my shopping trip to Floor & Decor and the fabulous choices they have. I think it is really important to see what the floor will look like in your space so I brought home several samples to see in my home and in the rooms where it will go.
(This is a sponsored post by Floor & Decor – All opinions are mine.)
I love that you can buy a full length sample for $5 so you have a piece big enough to really get an idea of how it will look. Most places have those little 6″ samples, and you can’t tell anything by that. After you decide, you can take the samples back and they give you a complete refund. They had dozens of styles to choose from.
I brought home 6 samples and immediately decided that 4 of them really weren’t going to work. When I could see them in my house they looked either too red, too brown or two yellow. I narrowed it down to two that I liked best.
It came down to a choice between these two. They are both 12mm laminate and that is definitely what I am looking for.
Time to call my contractor Able. Isn’t he just the cutest guy and he has the best personality too. He loves what he does and smiles like that all day.
He met me at Floor & Decor and approved of my choice. (I changed my mind again and didn’t pick any of the first samples I brought home.) See how they have large samples of how the wood will look installed. This really helps and their choices are amazing. There are dozens if not hundreds of samples to choose from. I walked those aisles for hours drooling over all the different styles.
My sales rep Daniel loaded all the flooring on a pallet jack and Able and his helper found everything that they needed to get the job done. Floor & Decor has the most amazing selection of moldings. Since mine will butt up to tile, they needed some “T” moldings and they found the perfect match in color and wood grain, plus the undrelayment that I needed. This is toally one stop shopping at it’s best.
This job is so overdue. I try to camouflage my pictures when I post so you don’t notice just how bad the carpet is. I have cleaned it so many times and it just doesn’t come clean anymore. Way past time to replace.
You can definitely see how we have a path going from the breakfast area to the hall rounding that corner. I am so thrilled this will be gone soon.
This was my final choice. When I took the samples back to the store, I met up with my daughter and we started looking at everything again. My heart just fell in love with this one. She liked this one too and this is the one that Able gave the thumbs up to. This is a 12mm laminate – Canyon Oak with a lifetime warranty. I love the color, the knots and the hand scraped texture of this flooring. I think it will be the perfect compliment to my home. (I don’t usually like pictures with a flash, but this shows just how pretty the wood really is.) I love how it goes with my tile also since they will be next to each other.
I can’t thank Floor & Decor enough for collaborating with me on this project. If you are in need of Hardwoods, Laminates, Vinyl, Stone or Tile for any project, be sure to check them out. You can’t beat the selection or the price and they are such a friendly place to shop.
(This is a sponsored post by Floor & Decor – but all opinions are mine)
Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday. Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT. Can’t wait to see you there.
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