Home » When Reality Sets In – Oh My Gosh

When Reality Sets In – Oh My Gosh

I have been so excited about getting rid of that old carpet and having gorgeous new wood floors, then it came time to get prepared for the install, and wow.  REALITY SET IN BIG TIME.

They need an empty room.  That means packing up all the accessories and getting things ready to move all the furniture.  I am not a minimalist.  I have every surface and nook and cranny stuffed with something.

I have a ton of things to pack up, so I bought a bunch of bins.

 See what I mean, every surface and even all the nooks and crannies too.

Not to mention the million things I have in the china cabinet.

I’m not a minimalist in the family room either.

and just look at those bookcases and then all the electronics that have to be disassembled.

Ok, I better get to work.

Day Two –

I made great progress.  Every thing is packed up and all of this is just waiting to be moved to the garage.

The china cabinet is empty – man I need to purge some of the stuff I had in this piece.

The entertainment center is empty and hubby has been disconnecting all the electronics.  He’s leaving the tv for tonight – –

 hubby looks a little tired as he’s trying to watch the news, then first thing in the morning it all goes.

Not everything will fit in the garage, so as much as possible is piled up in the breakfast area

The wood has to acclimate to my home, so it is piled in front of the island.  We have little trails around it. haha  At least the back side of the island is open so I can cook.

The guest bedroom is stacked to the brim too.

It will be worth it all in the end and I will definitely have a clean space to bring things back into.  I am going to paint a few walls while the room is empty too, so I have my work cut out for me for the next couple of days.

One of the workers came and delivered my floors, then ripped out the carpet and baseboards.  When he left I rushed to get the one wall in the living room painted.  This one wall had been left the camel color I originally had since it also tied into the hall.  I just hadn’t painted it yet, but so glad to see it white now, wow what a difference.

 You can see what I chose here and also see my shopping trip to Floor & Decor here.

Day Three- How fun is this, the floors are going down.  They made sure the floor was perfectly clean and level, then they put down the underlayment and started installing the laminate floors.   They said this was such an easy floor to install, just click and it was done.  I was fascinated watching them.

Here’s my happy contractor.  He and his workers were always laughing and smiling.  They had fun doing their job.

               Here’s a sneak peak at how pretty it looks all done and with the new baseboards.

Ok, now I need to clean everything really good, bring the furniture back in and start to put this house back together.   My hubby said this is like moving out and not really going anywhere. haha

            This is a sponsored post by Floor & Decor but all opinions are mine.

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