Kitchen Update – New Floors – Budgets & Straight Talk

The kitchen has been on the back burner the last couple of weeks as I put the house back together.

 I am so glad to be rid of the carpet and have lovely new wood floors.  I am still getting used to them and now have an array of dust mops, bona cleaners and swiffer’s.

I showed you the sample that I brought home of the new floors – –

This is a really pretty wood, but when you get a whole room full of it, it is much darker than I thought it would be.   It reads a lot more brown with very little light tan color.  I just had that light colored carpet for so long, so this takes a little getting use to.

The living room turned out so pretty and I adore the cowhide rug and the way it showcases the floors.

The wood floors in the family room work beautifully with the travertine tile in the kitchen and breakfast area.

Budget – That is always a dirty word I know, but one we all have to deal with.  I heard all of you loud and clear when you said to run the wood all the way through the living, family rooms and kitchen.  However what I chose was laminate and they did not recommend that for kitchens.  It would work, I just would have to be super diligent about any water and get it wiped up immediately.

The builder put really, really nice travertine in the kitchen, breakfast room, hall, laundry and both bathrooms.  It is gorgeous and I really like it.  To have this chiseled up in the kitchen and breakfast room and replaced with wood was an extra $2500.  I decided I would rather spend that money somewhere else since I love my travertine tile.

  We live in a medium priced builder basic – cookie cutter subdivision and really need to make sure we don’t overdo this house so we will never re-coop the money we’ve put into it. Since laminate wasn’t the best option for the kitchen anyway, I chose to leave the travertine.   That meant leaving it in the breakfast area too since there is no way of separating the two.

Now a major side note.  When we bought this house it was never intended to be our forever house.  It was a really good buy and something that worked for us when we sold the big house and decided to downsize.  The problem is we are way far away from all of our family.  When we packed up everything and moved it out so the contractor could do the new floors, my hubby started talking about it felt like moving.  That started him talking about maybe it was time to think about a move closer to family.  I think I have to gel on that one for a minute.  It could be fun to redo another house and I would love to be closer to family, but finding just the right place and – -and – -and.  You get the picture.

I need to think on this for a while, so everything is on hold – especially the kitchen.  It really looks good just like it is and if we sell a new owner may want to do their own thing.  We have decided to take a look at the market and see what is available.  Just “looking” he says.  Ok, I am being open minded.

For right now, I am just going to live with things the way they are.  It’s funny how life can turn on a dime sometimes isn’t it?

Be sure to get all your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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