My best friend and I try really hard to get together for a full day of shopping, lunch and plenty of girl talk at least once a month. We set the date then cancel anything that gets in the way (unless of course it is really, really important).
This last Saturday was our day. We met at Home Goods at 10:00 AM, and shopped every single aisle of the store. It’s always such a great place to keep up with the latest trends. As you all know, I love pillows, I think they can totally change the look of a room in minutes. I spotted lots of beads and fringe on pillows of every color. Some were fancy and some more casual. Fringe and tassles have been big for a while, but all fringe pillows are a fun new trend. There were several that I thought were especially fun and trendy.
Next on our rounds was TJMaxx. Since it is owned by HG they have some of the same things, only marked down to a lower price. They had some really fun trendy pillows that I didn’t see at HG. I found a really funky fun leather string pillow that just had to come home with me. They had them in yellow and white and I almost bought the yellow, but decided white was best.
The leather has a slight silver shine to the strings similar to the geometric design pillow, but try as I may I couldn’t get that shine in a picture. At any rate, how fabulous is this, anything with fringe is so fun and for $19.99 I had to have it. There was a zipper in the back, so I swapped out their polyester insert for a really nice down one and now it is so soft and squishy.
We stashed our treasures in the car and then went next door to Hobby Lobby. There is always something there. My friend found some puzzles that she was looking for. She was also looking for some colorful plates to put in a plate hanger she has, but didn’t find any at any of the stores. However, I found another pillow that spoke to me. A Moroccan Wedding style pillow. Isn’t this just super fun.
When I redo things on the sofa in the familyroom, this is going to be fabulous with some additional rustic type pillows I’ve found. They will all look wonderful with my horse painting. I swapped out the pillow form to down, now this one is super soft too. Price was 1/2 off, so it rang up for $16.20 including tax.
With our treasures safely in the trunk of the car, we headed for Sweet Tomatoes to have a super salad, some soup and lots of girl talk.
After lunch, we each headed home, I needed to return something to Ross, so of course you have to look around too. The sale counter had 2 Geods that just had to come home with me. I don’t know why they were marked down to $6.99 ea., but that was even more reason I needed them. I rearranged a few things in the bookcases so I could show them off.
This is the smaller one. Both are beautiful tones of chocolate, black and gray.
I’m using the larger one like a bookend.
Aren’t these both stunning. Such fabulous colors and detail.
Then it was home to think about dinner for the hubby. What is your favorite day out with your Bestie?
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