Same Room – 2009 to Now

I was going through a ton of old pictures the other day and found it really interesting to see what this room looked like in the beginning and how it looks now.  My living room has had several changes with paint, drapes and accessories, but for the most part the furniture has stayed the same.  I have a different couch but that is all.  Interesting to see how the same room can have so many different looks.

Here’s a stroll down memory lane.

April 2009 – I had just started blogging and this is a picture of how my living room looked when we first moved in.  A bad night shot with the new drapes and pillows I had just made.

Sept. 2009 – My photography skills were a little better by now.  I was trying my hand at layering a rug I had from my previous home.  It didn’t work too well.

Aug. 2011 – A new sofa in white started to help the room look a little brighter.

Nov. 2013 – Country checks were all the rage.

July 2014 – My style started to become a little more transitional with a few modern touches.  This room also got some new drapes to help lighten things up.

March 2015 – New drapes again and white walls.

July 2016 – My favorite look of all with the new hardwood floors.

I am definitely loving the look now the best.  Which is your favorite?

Be sure to get all your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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