How To Make A Small Painting Larger Without A Frame

Ok, that was a mouth full.  I love oil paintings on canvas and not all of them are framed.  Sometimes a canvas left by itself is the best.  I found this fabulous zebra painting at goodwill for $5.99 on 1/2 off day.  Love it for the master bathroom since I want to tie the same black and white in here that I have in the master bedroom.  Only one problem, the painting is too small.  Now I did have a frame that would fit it, but I didn’t like how it looked.  It just seemed to make the painting look cheap, so I needed to figure out something different.

I thought maybe a black background of some kind, but what.  I found a two pack of artist canvases that were 18 x 24 at Michael’s on sale for $8.  Since my painting was 16 x 20 this would give it a little bit of a background and make it the right size for my space.

I had some black paint left over so I took a brush and got to work painting around the outside of the canvas.  Now this didn’t cover very good and left streaks, plus I had no idea that the paint would stick so much to the paper, so I had a huge mess peeling the paper off the back of the canvas.

I decided to take it outside and use spray paint.  This worked like a charm.

Now how to attach the two.  See that middle wood strip, I put a small nail in the middle of that strip at the top and bottom and nailed it into the wood frame of the painting.  Now these two were on piece.  I added a picture hanger to the top and done.

How great does this look!!!  I love it.  It gives the painting the oomph that it needed and makes it the right size.

See how much better it fits the space.

Love this.

Ok, I am thrilled with my little makeover and it was so easy.  I have a great art piece for a total of $4 for one canvas and $5.99 for the painting, plus the black paint was free since I already had it.

Ok, now on with the rest of the makeover.    Do you have any tips or ideas for making a painting larger without a frame?

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1 Comment

  1. Lisa
    November 22, 2020 / 6:53 pm

    Thanks for this article!! It solved a similar issue I had with a painting being too small. I think I like the end result even better than if the picture had been bit!!

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