Home » My 5 All Time Favorite Thrifty Finds

My 5 All Time Favorite Thrifty Finds

You all know that I love the hunt and finding just the right things.  If they are a bargain, then that really makes my day.  I thought it would be fun to share my all time favorite finds.

# 1 King Size Headboard

Now it didn’t look like this when I found it, but with a little paint and distressing, it really came to life.  Check out my painting tutorial here.

This is what it looked like when I found it at Hotel Liquidators for $79.50.  Great style and the price is amazing.  All I did was paint the frame, the fabric was fabulous.

#2  $15 Frenchy Chair

This frenchy style chair was such a fabulous find, I couldn’t wait to get it home.

Without a doubt I use to have the best Goodwill in the country.  Not anymore!!!  They opened up one of the Resale Stores in town and they ship anything that is even remotely decent there.  All they have now is literally junk.  Nothing worth bringing home and the store even smells bad now.  Such a shame.

When I found it I could see that all it needed was a little tlc and a little upholstery.  You can see how I restained the chair to bring the wood back to life and re-upholstered the arms here.

#3-4-5 – Wall Mirror, Sofa, Leather Chairs

This whole room is done on a dime.  You can read where I found it all and how it came together here.

Wall Mirror – consignment store $229  – Sofa – moving sale $100

Leather Chairs – consignment store $100 ea.

The room today – all those pieces look even more elegant than before with my new wood floors.

Even if you have the smallest budget in the world, you can find some pieces that will stand the test of time.  Shop Goodwill, Consignment Stores, Thrift Stores, Moving Sales and keep an open mind.  Look for those classic pieces that can go anywhere.

What are your all time favorite finds?

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