Home » New Patio Furniture

New Patio Furniture

Since we are thinking about maybe selling our home, I have been looking at how it would show to others.  Our backyard pool is fabulous, but the construction there all spring left it’s toll.  There are lots of plants that need to be replaced, the garden needs to be finished, side yard cleaned and side fence and gate to put up.  Lots of work, and way too hot to do most of it.  We need to spruce up the patio too.

 We are enjoying the little pool in this heat and love to get out and sit at the table and relax with a nice glass of wine in the evenings.  Just one problem.  Our poor table and chairs are 15 years old and finally bit the dust.  The arms on the chairs gave way this past year and have become so bad they are really an eye sore.

This is the set we’ve had for years and have loved so much.  Time for a change.

This is the rotted plastic weave that finally bit the dust.  Those little strips have really sharp edges and hurt besides looking so bad. 

We decided to go with lounge type seating instead of a table this time.  It makes the patio more accessible and makes it look bigger.  Both important if we want to sell this place.  Yes, I need a larger rug, I had this one, so it is there for now. 

We found this set on sale for $160 – 2 loveseats and 3 end tables.  We are using one end table as a coffee table.  I have ordered cushions, but for now the old ones off of the old chairs work.  (Yes, I have a pallet of concrete on the patio.  We need it for the post holes and fencing for the side yard.)

Since we aren’t sure what will work in a new home, we didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so this works out fine for now.  The set came from At Home and the cushions I ordered from Walmart.  I can’t wait to get those and try to dress this place up just a bit.

Be sure to get all your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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