Home » I Do Laundry At An Old General Store

I Do Laundry At An Old General Store

Well, not really, but my laundry room looks like an Old General Store.

Now some of you know that this looks like me and some of you would not believe that my laundry room is full of primitive antiques and old country store goodies.  When I was first married I decorated my house with Danish Modern.  I just thought those really sleek lines and the minimal decor was so cool.  Kind of like the Jetsons – remember them.    Then I got out of that phase and went to a more traditional style and that eventurally morphed into Primitive Country when I lived in the mountains in Oregon.  It fit our lifestyle and the area and there were some amazing antique shops around just full of fabulous primitives.

Since then of course my style has changed again.  I still have a love of traditional but with a little contemporary twist added to it.  However that didn’t mean that all of those old primitives disappeared.  They are now in my laundry room along with tons of needlework that my mom and I did.  Every piece has a sweet memory, so it is hard to part with.

My laundry is a small galley room right off the garage and leads to the hallway to the rest of the house.  This is standing in the doorway looking to the left.

You will soon see that every square inch of this little space is filled.

 Right inside the door are a couple of needlework pieces that I did years ago.

 On top of my second fridge and the cabinets there are tons of old country store tins.
My antique “American Flyer” Wood and Wire Wheel wagon holds my Oolong Tea can.  I also really love my old coffee grinder on top of the fridge.  I do use it to grind coffee often.

The cabinets above the washer and driver are topped with more Country Tins.

 This is the door leading to the garage and it has even more needlework and a couple of quilt sampler squares that I framed.

 Going around the room, there are more antique quilt blocks and a flower painting that my mom did on that wood placque years ago.

 The top of my craft and sewing cabinet holds a collection of old irons and a toy bike holding greenery.

 As you look down the rest of this wall you will see more quilt blocks.

 I am not sure I could add one more thing to this little space, but I love all the memories that are in here.  Precious time spend with my mom sewing and my best friend antiquing.

Do you have a space that holds tons of your memories?

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