How To Create A Fall Vignette – Tutorial

How to create a vignette.   It seems this is a huge mystery to some and then others can absolutely amaze me with their talent.  I am kind of in the middle.  Not bad but not really fabulous either, just so-so.  This is a repeat of a tutorial I ran a couple years ago, but it is still so relevant and shows how easy it really is.

Most people like to start with a floral arrangement and that is good, but I wanted to show you how to use just a few different items that don’t seem related at all, but when put together create a great vignette.
  This is what I wound up with.  This is really super simple and basic,  so I know you have things you can pull together too.

 This is my latest treasure, so I wanted to use it somewhere, and the kitchen was a good place.

 Since the pumpkin looked rustic to me, I gathered up a few other rustic things like the cork fruit, a couple of acorns and my favorite bundle of wheat.  Now I love my rooster cloche, so I really wanted to use it too. I grabbed a wicker place mat to use as a backdrop then I started playing.

 First I tied some wheat to the top of my cloche, this dressed it up a little.

 Then I put a brown ribbon around the wheat for a little added color contrast and to tie into the brown on my new pumpkin.

The other day I put my favorite burlap pumpkin in a clay pot, so I thought maybe this one would look good in a pot too.  I filled the bottom with a plastic bag.

 Then I grabbed a bundle of raffia that I had in my stash.  (Save this stuff, you can use it for so many things.)

Love it, gives the pumpkin more character.

 I put the cork apple and pear in my cloche.  Nice and simple.

 Ok, this is working so far.

 I placed my large and small acorn from the Dollar Tree next to the clay pot.  This also fills in a blank spot under the cloche.

 I thought maybe it needed more, so I added my other burlap pumpkin and a Dollar Tree plastic one that I spray painted bronze last year.

 Hummmmm, I think this is a little too much, something has to go.

 Maybe just the two baby boo’s that I got at the market.

 Yep, I think this is all that is needed.  This is a keeper.

Just take some of your favorite things and put them all together.  There really are no rules, just what ever you like and looks good to you.  Have fun!!!

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