Home » My $9.99 Thrifted Louis Chairs – Makeover

My $9.99 Thrifted Louis Chairs – Makeover

I have lusted after Louis Chairs for such along time, but just couldn’t pull the trigger and get them.  lst of all they come in so many frame and fabric finishes that I just couldn’t decide what I wanted.  Then there is the problem of what to do with the chairs I have. I need to be purging, not buying anything new,  especially since we are thinking about moving. – – – –

World Market – $399.98 for 2 – (These are the ones that I have almost bought on several occassions.)

– – -but when you find a super bargain at Goodwill – $9.99 – how can you pass them up.  These are really sturdy, but really, really bad wood finish and fabric.  The style is perfect, so I can do a simple makeover. – I think!?!?

These probably came out of some hotel.  I have seen this same color finish on wood pieces at Hotel Liquidators and that fabric looks so familiar too.

Now I use to have the best Goodwill in the world, then they opened a Resale Store and immediately shipped anything even remotely worth having to the Resale Store.  All of a sudden my Goodwill looked worse than the worse kind of thrift store with nothing worth having.   I have been purging closets and cleaning drawers with the thought in mind that we might buy a new house and move, so I had 2 boxes of linens and dishes to take to Goodwill.  I hadn’t been in in months since it is usually so bad, but I had a few minutes, so I ran inside.  There to my surprise were these two chairs.  Now I am serious when I say these are absolutely all they had that was even decent.

By decent I mean the style, these were so dirty they couldn’t send them to the Resale Store.

I think I can paint the frames and reupholster these pretty easily, but first they really need a super good washing.  I mixed up a pan with amonia and water.  A really good scrub brush and a little elbow grease and these look much better.

It’s amazing what a little amonia water will do.  After scrubbing them I used a fine mist on the hose and rinsed them really really well.

See how clean that chair seat is.

Now to decide how to make them over.  I looked on Pinterest for some ideas and wow, I found some really creative and amazing makeovers

Cote De Texas -I love the two fabrics.  How fabulous does this look.Studio McGee – These were just painted white and upholstered with white fabric.

Dimples & Tangles – I have long loved these that Jennifer madeover.  Those dots are wonderful.

Country Living – They showed how this one was covered with grain sacks.

Designing Dawn – She spray Painted The Whole Chair – Frame & Fabric

Serendipity Refined – Painted and antiqued the frame and reupholstered with linen.

Honey & Fitz – This is one of my favorite fabrics, so of course this caught my eye.

For a really fast and easy makeover, I thought I might just paint the frames and fabric black and do something really fun on the back of the chairs.  I keep seeing people paint fabric, so I might try it, I really can’t hurt anything.  On the other hand, this could be fabulous with two really great fabrics that could give these chairs a ton of personality

How would you make them over if they were yours?  What do you think would look best in my house with my style?

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