You know how it is, you just poured a glass of wine and you were all ready to enjoy Sunday Football and the doorbell rings. It is a friend that was in the neighborhood. You haven’t seen him in so long and it was so nice of him to stop by. You want to put something together in an instant to snack on as you visit and watch the game.
Nothing is easier than a fruit and cheese tray. We always have fruit of some kind in the house, so pulling a tray together is so easy. I received a really pretty cheese board from my daughter for my Birthday. I thought it was the perfect size this occasion.
Pears were looking especially wonderful when I was at the market, so I bought both the red and green, such pretty colors. They are so easy to just slice up and oh my do they taste wonderful. I also had some grapes and some olives in the fridge. A few cut up cubes of cheese and this tray was ready. Now this seriously too about 5 minutes.
We also had some apples that I could have cut up. Any kind of fruit always works and any kind of cheese. Just use what you have on hand. You can even do sliced cheese and a few crackers, or how about some pretzels. Maybe fill the little bowl with some humus, cheese spread or pesto and slice up a crusty bagette. Anything will do and if you serve it on a pretty tray it will look special.
I sat the tray on the edge of the coffee table so it was easy for our guest to reach.
I pulled a few cocktail napkins off the wine cabinet and I was ready. Now to get our guest something to drink.
A bottle of beer was his choice. Perfect. Now on to the game and a great visit.
What is your favorite “Instant Entertaining” choice?
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