Sometimes You Just Have To McGuyver It

Moving is always a challenge and until all the boxes are unpacked, you have to make do with what you have and even channel your McGuyver a little.

In the desert ceiling fans are a necessity.  Now I know that a pretty chandelier is better, but when the temps are 115 or better, you really want some air moving, so a ceiling fan is your best friend.  We love having one in our master bedroom to keep some air flowing, but we want one that works and doesn’t make any noise.

Today hubby had a couple of things on his to do list.

1.  Hang our headboard – it is one of those that fits over a channel on the wall.  So that meant taking the bed apart to get to it and since that was being done –

2. How about installing a new ceiling fan that doesn’t make a really loud screeching noise.

So take the bed apart so you can get to the ceiling where the fan is.

Remember this picture when we first saw the house.  These people were really into hugger ceiling fans.  You know the kind with a huge motor mounted to the ceiling.  They were also into tons of window hardware.  There are brackets for a scarf type window treatment and brackets for a traverse rod.  Since I like things a little more plain and simple, these all needed to go.

Ok, here is where my McGuyer comes in.  They had the house painted before they put it up for sale which was a bonus for us, however, when that huge motor mount for the ceiling fan came down there was a big brown ring.  The new ceiling fan we were installing had a down rod and a small ceiling cap.  I needed to paint that big brown spot before we put our fan up.  They left me some paint, so I headed to the garage.

In the sea of boxes that are still in the garage, I couldn’t find a paint brush.  What to do if it is raining cats and dogs and I don’t want to run to the store.

Of course, use my pastry brush – it will work just find.

Might as well touch up the railing while I am at it.

 No brown spot anymore where the fan goes.

 and all those window treatment brackets are gone and the holes patched and painted over too.

There were several spots that needed a little touch up and my pastry brush made a perfect paint brush.  Guess I need to buy a real paint brush and a pastry brush next time I am at the store. haha

So do you channel your McGuyver every once in a while too?

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