There are so many neat features about the “Builder Basic”. One of my favorites is the nice size Master Bedroom with “His” and “Her” closets. We had a nice little walk in closet in our last home that we shared and it was wonderful. I had so much fun dressing it up and turning it into a place that made me smile every time I walked in. You can see that makeover here.
This home has a special treat. Two closets – HIS AND HERS. You can see one in this picture – –(the door on the right)
and an 8′ sliding door closet here- – – –
This one is a walk in and I claimed it for “me”. I know I feel a little spoiled and I am loving it.
As you walk in the left side has two shelves and a full length rod. There was room for me to put our drawer unit here also.
My storage binds that I used at the old house fit perfectly.
Of course I had to play with my purse display again.
Looking straight on as you enter the closet there was a shelf and double rods. I am using the center section to be my primping station.
Perfect to hold my everyday jewelry and the mirror lets me check out my necklaces and earrings as I’m dressing. I used some cup hooks to hold my collection of evening bags. The bottom rod holds my dressier tops and my skirts.
The right side of the closet has 2 large shelves at the top and 10 narrower shoe shelves. There are also hanging rods all across the bottom of the shelves.
These shelves are fabulous. I do share some space in here with hubby for a few of his shoes.
The shelves are nice and deep so I can keep some of my favorites in the boxes and still have room for the ones I wear most often in front.
Isn’t it fabulous. I may paint or paper the walls in the future and of course I definitely think it needs a little chandy.
I had so much fun dressing up the closet. Do you like to dress up yours too?
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