Home » $5 Cleaned Up The Laundry Room

$5 Cleaned Up The Laundry Room

Ok, I am not complaining!!!  I have a fabulous new home and just finished remodeling the kitchen to make it my “Dream Kitchen”.  I love it and every time I walk in there my heart skips a beat.  Several have asked about a laundry room in the new house.   Some thought maybe it was upstairs.  Well, that would be nice, but no, it is right off the kitchen.  See the two doors next to the fridge.

  This kitchen has a dream of a pantry and it also has a door that opens to the laundry room and then out to the garage.

The door just to the right of the fridge is this wonderful big walk in pantry.  It is another dream come true.  I love how I can see everything.  The only problem is I still have to look around to see where I put things.  I am sure I will get a system worked out sooner or later and everything will finally have a home.

Next to that is the laundry room.  Now if you remember in my last house I had a really large laundry room.  Plenty of room for the second fridge and room for my craft cabinet and tons of cabinets above the washer and dryer.  It was the place that held all of my antiques and quilt blocks and collectibles.

My new laundry room is barely a room, however it does function for what the name says.

  It holds the washer and dryer and plenty of room to do each week’s laundry.  After all, I have so many other great surprises in this house like the “Dish Room” – my “Girl Cave” and a “Hers Walk-in Closet”, there is no way I am going to complain about the laundry room.  They could have just put the washer and dryer in the garage and then I would really have something to talk about.

This space is really part of the “Builder Basic” theme this house had going on.  No cabinets, just one shelf & no wall space for fun stuff.  Now that one shelf was looking really bad.  It holds all the cleaning supplies for the house, and all the other stuff you need.  When all of that was out on the shelf it just looked like such a mess and trying to keep the door closed all the time wasn’t easy since we come and go so much through the garage.  So off to the Dollar Tree to see if I could find some tubs of some kind.   I hit the jackpot, they had these cloth bins for $1 each, so $5 later I had things all arranged by category – rug and floor cleaning – cleaning rags & garage rags – window & house cleaners and finally the last bin holds misc. household necessity cleaners and sprays.

Eventually I want a new washer and dryer and I also want some cabinets to replace the shelf, but for now – – – – -(Ok, maybe I could decorate it a little better than this.)

$5 didn’t do a makeover, but it did clean up a really messy shelf.

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