Spring In The Breakfast Room

When we moved in I only had the accessories that I had out when the house sold, everything else was packed away in boxes and in a storage shed.  Well, we finally have most of the boxes here and I am having so much fun playing with accessories I haven’t had to play with for a while.  Time to spruce up the breakfast room table with a little Spring White and a little Gold to go with my new kitchen.

I love the big windows in this space, but it does make it a little difficult to get a picture.  This is where we eat all of our meals and where the family gathers most of the time.

I love this pretty white swan and of course a little gold is always a favorite.  (ok, maybe a lot of gold)  Instead of one runner down the middle I like to use two runners, it just adds a little different texture to the table.  Some greenery and a few candles and we are good to go.

Wall space is limited but I just had to find a spot for my favorite painting.  “Old Man Praying – Giving Thanks”.

Not a really big space but we can easily fit 8 around the table and have plenty of room.  I love my new waterproof floors too, so perfect if the grands have an accidental spill.

If you are looking for some ideas for your Spring Decor, be sure to mark your calendar for the 

2017 Spring Home Tours 

30 home – 5 days March 20-24.

Your favorite bloggers are opening their doors to give you a tour of their beautiful Spring Decor.  Mark your calendars and save the date.

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