Home » The Wrong Light For The Hall Bathroom-Project Fail

The Wrong Light For The Hall Bathroom-Project Fail

It seems like a lot of things are definitely trial and error around here.  I found a really pretty light on line and thought it would be the perfect thing to get rid of the hollywood lights in the hall bathroom.  Simple chrome fixture with 3 white glass shades.  BOY WAS I WRONG.

The first problem is this light is so bright it almost makes the bathroom glow.  (I dimmed the picture a little so you could see the light)

The second problem is the size.  See how this light hangs down in front of the mirror.  You can’t open the medicine cabinet door very far, it hits the light.  Now that is a disaster just waiting to happen.

Since our master bathroom only has one sink, hubby has chosen to adopt this bathroom as “his”.  It is just outside our master bedroom door, so actually just as close as the master bathroom. (He still showers in the master bathroom, but shaves and etc in here)  I thought I would spruce up this space and make it really nice for him.  So far the light is a BIG FAIL.

Back to the drawing board to hunt for a light that won’t hang down in front of the mirror so the medicine cabinet door can open all the way.  I also wanted something that didn’t have so much light.  Being able to see is one thing, then having the room glowing is another.

I found a winner.  Two lights and it doesn’t hang down in front of the mirror.  Success.  The medicine cabinet door opens all the way.

Plus it looks good and it has plenty of light.

Since I hadn’t found a light for the master bathroom yet, I though this might do the trick and it did.  Perfect for this space- – – –

and more than enough light.  It actually is brighter than the 6 light Hollywood Bulb fixture that was here and this looks so much better too.

 This is a keeper so success all around.

The moral of the story is, be sure to measure all the angles of a light before you buy it.  It might work and then it just might not.  Now I really have to get my act in gear and paint both these vanities.

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