When we were looking to find a new home and move, one of my main “wants” was a swimming pool. Homes with a pool were of course more expensive so I soon felt like we just wouldn’t be able to have a pool at all. Most of the homes we saw needed some renovation and so did the pools, that put these homes way out of our budget.
The main attraction to the “Builder Basic” was the fact that it was only 12 years old, in great condition and totally builder basic. No frills and no renovations that I would have to work around. Just a plain basic house and the price would allow us to do a few upgrades and HAVE A POOL. Living in the desert with temps way over 100 for most of the year and up to 115 in summer, a pool is a blessing. Some place to be outside and not fry. A place to enjoy cooling off in the water and a fun place to spend time with family and friends.
Now that the kitchen renovation is done, time to start looking for a pool. What size and shape do I want and what other features would I like. There are so many things to consider including the kind of filter, decking, tile and the list goes on and on.
We are looking for a pretty basic pool, no big water features and nothing too big. We want what all the builders call “A Play Pool”. That is what we had when we built our last pool and we enjoyed it so much. Perfect for the kids to play in and perfect for us too. We don’t need or want a diving pool anymore. When the boys were teens and in college a diving pool was great for them, but now that it is just us and the grands mostly, not necessary. This is a pool that goes from 3ft to 5ft deep. No diving. We want an infloor cleaning system like we’ve had and pebble tec interior. Really pretty much what we’ve had in the other pools. We have talked with several pool builders so far and find that pricing is all over the board. .
We got a great rendering from one builder that shows how a pool would look in our yard. This drawing is to scale so it really gives us a great idea of the space it would take. I love the shape and features of this pool, however I think it is much bigger than we are looking for. They can cut the size down and still maintain the same features and look, it would just take up much less room. I want the decking around the pool to tie into the existing patio and this drawing really does that well.
The question is do we want a free form pool like this or do we want something different.
Here are just a few of the many different shapes that have been suggested.
This is our backyard, nothing there so we are starting from scratch. That one lone little half dead lemon tree is all there is and it has to go, so we can do just about anything.
Now to decide and get this show on the road. I would love to be swimming by summer. The weather man says we are going to be in the 90’s one day next week. It is going to be really warm soon.
So what do you think? Do you have a favorite shape?
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