Home » Well, I Embarrassed Myself

Well, I Embarrassed Myself

Any time you do something half way you always wind up embarrassed.   When I showed you my $5 shelf clean up of the laundry room, I hadn’t done any decorating at all.  It didn’t look very fun and it certainly didn’t look very interesting.  I took all the mess off the shelf and put everything into some Dollar Tree bins and that was it.  Yes, it did clean it up, but it didn’t decorate it at all.

My previous laundry room was filled with memories of my mom and friends and fabulous antiques that I loved, but this is just a pass thru from the kitchen/breakfast area to the garage.  Just barely room for the washer and dryer and a simple shelf to hold all the household cleaners and laundry supplies.  Now that doesn’t mean that it has to be ugly.   Adding cabinets and getting new appliances isn’t going to happen any time soon.  We have been pricing swimming pools and I will need every penny I have if I want a pool and that is definitely one of my “major wants”.

Ok, I can do something with what I have, it doesn’t have to just be a plain white box.  I can still display some of my treasures that I love.  (This room is hard to photograph, so please excuse the quality of the pics.)

I dug through my stash and pulled out a few things that mean something to me.  My wood carved cow that my son made for me hangs over the door.  He remembered me saying that I wanted one like the one I saw in a magazine and surprised me with this one.  A definite treasure.

When I was first learning to quilt and piece different patterns together, my friend and I made this tulip quilt block.  We then framed it and it’s been on the wall in my house somewhere for years.  Of course the small wash board that was my mothers is a treasure and so is that little picture next to it.

It’s a sampler I found in a barn in Oregon years ago.  I love how she was learning her letters and loved the Lord.  So perfect.

Above the washer and dryer I hung my German carved “love” cutting board.  A present from one of my dearest friends before she went to heaven.   I’ve always loved this little dress and hat, it was a gift from my blogging friend Ceekay.  Ceekay had a blog call Thinkin” of Home.  She lost a long battle with ovarian cancer two years ago.  This ivory board that is part of an old box is a treasure I found at a junk shop years and years ago.

When I lived in Oregon those long cold snowy winters kept you inside, so I use to do a lot of stitchery.  Above the shelf is  “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” and on the soffit is a crewel stitch sampler that I did that says “Welcome”.

On the wall on the right side of the washer and dryer is one of my most precious treasures.  My mom and I were learning to quilt at the same time and this is the “Log Cabin” quilt block she made.  She also made the frame.  She went to be with the lord in 1986, but every time I see this it reminds me of her.  My kitchen grater, salt seller and scoop are from a fun shopping trip with a friend when she lived in Fredricksburg, Texas.  She owned a “German Sunday House” that was being photographed for Better Homes & Gardens, so I went to visit her and see the shoot.  We also did a ton of antiquing while I was there.

Now I feel better.  It holds some memories that I cherish and it looks like I at least half tried.

Now to see if I can afford a pool.  I would really like that a lot more than a fancy laundry room.

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