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Look What Just Arrived

I am so excited, this huge box came Tuesday afternoon.  It is mammoth, and I can hardly wait to see what is inside.  I hope it is as gorgeous as the picture.

The size of the box is almost intimidating.

My new chandelier for the dining area.  I wanted so bad to see inside, but it is packaged so well, this is all I can see.  I don’t dare take it out until my electrical guy gets here to hang it, so I am just peeking at what I can.  The size of the box is really, really big.  I hope this chandelier is the right size and not too big.

As you know, I was trying to decide on a chandelier for the dining area.  I looked at several options –

Since it was going to hang from the two story ceiling of the dining area, it needed to be large.  (Yes, thank goodness that ceiling fan is coming down.)  All of these were fairly large in scale.

  This is the one I chose, it is 32″high x 32″wide.  I like how it is open and airy so it will not overwhelm the space, but be large enough to make a statement.

I placed a tape measure on the table so I could see how far above the table 30″ is.  This gave me a visual of where the fixture will be hanging.

My table is 56″ across, and I do have 4 leaves, so I can extend it to quite a large table.  Looking at the box is a little scary, however the chandelier is only 32″, so it really isn’t as big as this box.

My electrical guy said he would try to get here before Sunday to hang it for me since I am having 14 coming for dinner.  Hope he can, that would be fabulous.  I will show you how it looks when he gets it hung.

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