If you know me, you know that I have a really low tolerance of chaos. I don’t have to have everything designed to a tee or elegant or even chic, I just need some kind of order. When everything is turned upside down and is a mess with chaos running ramped in every direction, I get fidgety. Now don’t get me wrong, I am so excited about the pool and can’t wait to have it all done, it is just the daily looking out the window to this that is kind of not so cool.
Now I am well aware there is no way these guys building the pool can do it without dirt piles, forms, hoses, shovels and everything else all over the place. That is simply what it takes.
Then there is this corner of chaos that is really hard to deal with. Yes, there are some gorgeous plants there that will look amazing around the pool and in the yard.
There is also all this other stuff that is not going to look pretty in the yard. My husband is a Master Gardener and he has won all kinds of trophies for some of his plants. He grows and shows a lot of Cactus and Succulents. Behind all of this are two black tables full of pots of his plants. Now these are pretty if you look at each one individually, but as a whole they are not my thing. Then there is all this other stuff needed to keep a yard up and tons of pots that he uses to propagate even more plants. Thank goodness that one side of the house has an area 11ft x 18ft that will be his designated spot for most of this, around the corner and out of sight of most of the yard. However since that was where they took the wall down and drove through that side to dig the pool and do most of the other work, it all went to this corner.
Then there is this side of the yard looking across to the patio. We have even more plants here.
and all over the patio too. Most of all I like (sarcastic) the temporary shade that he put up to keep some of the sun from shining so bright into the sliding door.
Isn’t the patio decorated beautifully? (more sarcasm)
This week my husband told me to decide where I wanted certain plants and planting areas, it is time to get the underground drip system plotted out. At the moment I look at all of this and I haven’t got a clue.
I am well aware once it is all done and cleaned up it will look similar to this, it is just at the moment it is really hard to visualize.
As I came in from taking those pictures and came upstairs to my office, I turned around and saw this view of downstairs.
I remember when it looked like this the day we moved in and the movers unloaded the truck and just put everything inside the door. Everything just piled anywhere.
Then again when the kitchen was being remodeled. All of the new appliances and all my kitchen stuff shoved in the middle of the living room.
Each week the pool is becoming more of a reality and in no time at all this will all just be a distant memory and I will have a pretty pool – yard – and patio to look at. I am believing and I don’t take for granted how Blessed I am.
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