Home » Thrifty Guest Bedroom Makeover Reveal

Thrifty Guest Bedroom Makeover Reveal

Yip-Skip!!!!!  My blog is back to normal and all fixed.  Man that was such a trying and stressful ordeal.  I hate having any kind of tech problem, this stuff is way beyond me, but praise the Lord there are those out there that thrive on it.  I am so grateful for their knowledge.  Now back to all the stuff that’s been going on since I can blog again.

Sometimes you really aren’t planning on doing a room makeover at this time, it is something that is on the back-burner for later.  Then one by one all the pieces just seem to fall together until all of a sudden you realize that you have a room just about done.  That is exactly what happened with our Guest Bedroom.

If you guys have been following along this room had become the Guest Bedroom With Left-Overs & Weird Stuff.  Everything that hadn’t found a home somewhere else in the house wound up here.  My buffet was being used as a dresser and a file cabinet was the nightstand.  It was clean and a good bed, but really sort of not pulled together at all.

Then while I was out thrift shopping hoping to find a chest or console table to use on the patio, I went into Hotel Liquidators and there was the perfect headboard and for only $29.50.  Now I didn’t find a chest or console, but for that price, I just had to buy the headboard.  Great shape and was something that I could redo.  Refinishing the wood frame and upholstering the insert were things that I felt like I was qualified to do.

Well, from there things just sort of fell into place all by themselves.   I found some fabric that I liked for the headboard insert, and I already had all the stain necessary to redo the frame of the headboard, so that soon was a done deal.   I thought why not go ahead and set it up in the room.  Before I could do that I found two more pieces that really pulled the room together.

Here is the reveal, I love this room now.  It looks so grown up and inviting and looks like I had a plan, even if it was a “by-chance” plan.  I love how the headboard turned out.  This is a small room so there is only room for a full size bed.  That is fine for one and becomes really cozy for two, but it will have to do for now.

I chose a taupe with cream dot for the headboard fabric.

I love this color because it goes really well with gray or brown.  I already had gray shams so I bought a gray quilt at Stein Mart for $24.95.  I have a brown one that I put in the closet for now, but I can change out whenever I want to.

I found this great chest that I am using as a nightstand at a used furniture store called J&K.  It is one of my all time favorite places.  The finish on the piece coordinated perfectly with the finish I put on the headboard.  I really love the detail on this piece, the hardware is stunning and who couldn’t use some more drawer space.  This piece is made by Crestview Collection and similar pieces in their line usually run around $300 to $400.  I couldn’t pass it up for $79.00.(update, this chest has been moved downstairs to the family room and a painted end table replaced it.)

I just shopped  the house for the lamp and tabletop accessories.

The drapes are a lovely sheer cream on cream embroidery that I found at Tuesday Morning.  95″ long and only $19.99.

On another trip to J&K I found this dresser.  It is a piece by Henredon with beautiful inlay’s on the drawer fronts.  What a fabulous piece for $99.00.   Everything else is from my stash and things I already owned.

I love the fabulous inlay on the drawer fronts and the hardware is stunning too.  With this piece, the room totally came together.

It’s a small room, but now I feel like it has some character.

I think this room proves that with a little thrift shopping and keeping your eye open for pieces that would work together you can have a fabulous Guest Room for pennies.

Cost Breakdown – –
Headboard – Hotel Liquidators – $29.50
Fabric for Headboard Insert – JoAnns – $22.00
Gray Quilt – Stein Mart – $24.95
Drapes – Tuesday Morning – $19.99
Dresser – J&K Used Furniture – $99.00
Lamps, Bedding, Accessories from my stash – $0.00
Total – – – – – – – – –   $195.44

Now I am still looking for a console or chest for the patio, but I am sure I will find one in due time.


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