Take 2 – Loving Some Pink

Sometimes I start working on a project and seem to have blinders on so I can’t see all the options.  When I recently did the Guest Bedroom Makeover, I was concentrating on using gray and didn’t see all the possibilities I had in front of me.  I have had a fabulous Charcoal and Cream Toile comforter for years.  It has been wrapped up and in the closet for maybe 5 or 6 years so I kind of forgot about it. I pulled it out when we moved into the new house, but when I started putting the bedroom together, it went back in the closet.  I bought a gray quilt that I love, but my problem was it looked a little flat and didn’t add a ton of personality to the new bedroom design.  However, that is what I went with.  Next problem was where to put the huge Toile Comforter.  I folded it up and into the closet it went.  This thing takes up a ton of room, but I just carefully closed the door.

Then all of a sudden a light bulb went off.  Why didn’t I use it on the bed and layer the gray quilt on the bottom of the bed.  Duh – that should have been my first thought.  Well why not take it a step further and add a little color.  I brought out a pink pillow and scarf to add a little fun.

Here it is with just the gray quilt, it looks fine, but the Toile print of the comforter adds so much more life to the room.

I can switch back and forth, but I think for now I will use the Toile and the quilt together – – – –

and the pink is definitely a keeper.  I am loving this.

I think we’ll stick with Take 2 for a while.

I can also use brown since the headboard is a really great taupe and cream, so I am sure there will be a Take 3 and maybe even Take 4.


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