Can’t You See Why I Wanted To Move Closer To Family

As you all know, we made the move to this new house because I wanted so bad to be closer to family and enjoy all those spur of the moment get-togethers.   I was missing out on way too much.  Meet Mr. Ryan – our newest 6 months old grand.  He loves to roll around on a blanket in the family room.

He coooos and talks all the time.

We get to babysit every other Monday, so our latest purchase was a walker.  He can’t walk, but he loves to sit in it and he can touch the floor, so he does make it scoot around.  He is always smiling, such a happy baby.

Yes, we are in total baby mode.  His Port-a-crib is in the loft, so he and I share this room.  I am so Blessed that we are close enough that I get to see this little one grow and spend time with him.  (This little guy only lives 2 miles away.  Now you know why I say the Lord went way above and beyond to find us this house)  You can read my whole house hunt story here ~ One Year Later – Let Go & Let God.

Thanks for letting me brag a little.  Grands are so much fun. 

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