Home » Easy Glitzy DIY Dollar Tree Pumpkins For Fall

Easy Glitzy DIY Dollar Tree Pumpkins For Fall

With Fall decorating in full swing, I am having fun making over some Dollar Tree plastic pumpkins.  These things are so fun to change up.  You can just spray paint some or you can go a little nuts and glitz some up.  I looked through my stash and found some pearls, rhinestones and sequins.  Perfect.

(This is a post that I first shared in 2014 – but these glitzy pumpkins are still trendy today)

These are similar to a few that I made a couple of years ago.  I forgot to take pictures
(bad blogger) of each step, but it really is pretty simple.

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I started with some simple white plastic pumpkins.  Then I took a small brush and painted the stems gold and streaked gold down the sides of the pumpkins.

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These are the stick on’s that I found in my stash along with a pack of iridescent sequins.

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Just stick on rhinestones and pearls in random order.  Next, I sprayed the pumpkins with some spray glue and rolled them in a dish with the sequins.

Ta – Da .  Glitzy pumpkins in about 15 minutes.

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