Home » Front Porch & Meet My New Puppy

Front Porch & Meet My New Puppy

Well, he’s not exactly a puppy and he isn’t exactly real, but he is REALLY REALLY CUTE.

I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with our non-existent front porch.  I love our house, but I think the front entrance should look really inviting and ours has me stumped.
Here is a view of the entire front of the house.

There isn’t room for a bench or any kind of seating area, so a door wreath, maybe an urn planter by the side of the door and ??????  That is when I thought maybe this fabulous little dog would look amazing at the door and move the urn out to the end of the porch area by the bushes.

I remembered seeing him a while back at AtHome, then when I went to my local one to get him, he was sold out.  My daughter found this one at another store and picked it up for me.  When she brought it by we sat it by the inside of the door and he just looked so perfect that I am not sure he will ever make it outside.

Ok, back to the front porch.  As you can see, there isn’t room for any kind of furniture on this porch area.  In fact it is not really even a porch, it is a “stoop”.  Just a plain simple entrance.  There is a walkway across the front and a walkway behind that column with the house number on it.

 Now I had originally thought the dog statue would look really cute out here, but he would have to sit out near the front of the walkway.  Not sure that is a great look.  So maybe leave it simple and plain.

 I have to share this little cutie watching me as I hosed off the front walkway.  He’s grandma’s angel and loves that walker.  He can scoot all over the place with it.

Alright enough grandma bragging, I found this really pretty faux magnolia leaf wreath at Hobby Lobby and added a few feathers, antlers and flowers from my stash to give it a fall look.

I found those faux antler picks in the Christmas floral aisle of Hobby Lobby.  Love them and I can find so many uses for them too.

 I spray painted an old urn that I had and added a pretty palm.  This adds a little greenery at the door and that frog is one of my favorites.  I’ve had him for a long time.

For now I think this is going to have to do for the front entrance. (I really want to paint the front door a color to coordinate with the house trim, so I need to look at a few paint chips.  I think that would also add some character to the front entrance.)

Yes, all new landscaping is coming this Spring, but for now this is about all I can think of for the entrance. 

I think the “puppy” is going to remain inside, he really is cute by the front door.

Ok, I need to find something else for the outside, or just leave it as is.  What do you think?  Any ideas for the porch?


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