Home » Christmas Is Starting In The Kitchen

Christmas Is Starting In The Kitchen

Little by little I started doing a bit of Christmas decorating in the kitchen.  It is always such a fun place to start and I always love a bit of whimsy in my kitchen too.

I had a couple of really small wreaths, perfect for above the range.

A few years ago I found these two fun “ladies” at Goodwill and just couldn’t pass them up.  They are so fun with their pretty gingham dresses and aprons.  I imagine them getting ready to bake up something wonderful like a big batch of cookies or maybe a fabulous pie.

I love my little Santa Chef too, he is such a fun guy.  He needs to start cooking too.

My little pixie Elf plopped himself down by the tree.  He is such a really mischievous little guy.  I need to keep an eye on him.

I’m working on a breakfast room tablescape.  I love these sweater reindeer, they are so fun.  This one is resting, I guess he’s tired – –

but not this one, he is up and ready to go.

I need to get my act in gear – OUR 2017 CHRISTMAS HOME TOURS begin in just 3 short weeks, so I need to get my decorating done.  Be sure to mark your calendars, we have 30 of the most fabulous bloggers opening the doors to their homes and sharing their Holiday Decor.  30 homes over 5 days – December 4th thru 8th.

Ok, I have a ton of work to do and a lot of decor to get done.  I am hosting Thanksgiving, so I need to get the table in the dining room set and get my shopping done.   I am also knee deep in baking for all the holidays too.  How about you, are you starting any Christmas yet?

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